Monday, January 7, 2008

2008: A year of new beginnings...

Carpe Diem
Main Entry:
car·pe di·em

\ˈkär-pe-ˈdē-ˌem, -ˈdī-, -əm\
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin, literally, pluck the day
Date: 1817
: the enjoyment of the pleasures of the moment without concern for the future

Carpe Diem... seize the moment. As I am into the New Year and thinking of all the possibilities that lie before me in 2008, I have decided to approach each day as its own... seizing the pleasures of each day without concern for tomorrow. May sound silly or hypothetical, however I want to make the most of each day without worry or concern...

I have been anxiously awaiting this year and the first 7 days of 2008 have been wonderful. The new year rang in with hope, peace, encouragement, special friends, good food, laughs and memories that are cherished... with so many more to come. With many things aligned for the coming months, I thank God for His purpose, His plan, and continually guiding me on my journey. My hearts cry is to make a difference some where some how, no matter how big or how small... So here is a toast to enjoying the pleasures of this very moment. Make the most of the opportunities given to you this day with hope for tomorrow.

I'm excited to see how life unfolds the next few months. As I have said many times before, no matter what I go through or how hard life can be, or how unsure and confusing my life gets at times- I love this journey. I love my life. I love challenges that help me discover more of who I am... and I love adventure that helps me discover what I'm called to... I love people because they enrich me... and relationships because they make me smile... I love God's word because it builds my faith and guides me to an everlasting future...

Love those around you. Embrace each day with faith, hope & love. Be all God's created you to be for such a time as this.... this very moment. Opportunity is awaiting you......

Here in the Quiet speak to me now
My ears are open to
Your gentle sweet whispering
Break down the door, come inside

Shine down Your bright light
I need a lamp for my feet, I need a lamp for my feet
I want to hear the thunder of who You are
To be captured inside the wonder of who You are
I want to live I want to breathe
To search out Your heart and all of Your mysteries
You were the first and You’ll be the end

Time cannot hold You down
Why save a wretch like me?
No eye has seen, no ear has heard
No heart could fully know
All of Your mystery

Your glory burns in the stars
Shine down your light let it burn in my heart
Bring me to glory, bring me to you
Lord it’s your heart that I will hold onto

Your glory burns in the stars
Shine down Your light let me know who You are
Jesus, Your glory burns in the stars
Shine down Your light, let me see You, let me see You.
[Phil Wickham]

"I held a moment in my hand, brilliant as a star, fragile as a flower, a tiny sliver of one hour. I dripped it carelessly, Ah! I didn't know, I held opportunity." (Hazel Lee)
