"Follow God's example in everything you do. Live a life filled with love for others, following the example of Christ, who loved you and gave himself as a sacrifice to take away your sins..." -Eph 5
I went to see the "The I Heart Revolution" film that Hillsong United produced. Amazing. Filmed over a period of several years as they travel across 6 continents 42 nations and 93 cities in a cross-cultural journey of music, interviews and live action documentary as they realise every story of hope, love, loss and sacrifice ultimately points to the one story... the life of Jesus.
So many things we take for granted being raised in America, but in essence poverty is still at our own doorstep. The time has come to stand for what we believe in. Things aren't right... in one moment you have a generation watching tv and playing video games and on the other hand you have children starving, being sold to trafficing or prostitution. They are victums of a conflict that is simply not theirs. 30,000 children will die today because of the lack of food, but Amercia is standing obese. Its not fair. My heart and soul ache at the agony of it all. I want so bad to see life through the eyes of these children, walk in the steps of the people in poverty, I want to laugh with the kids being kids-who yet to know better and that are still full of life and energy. But I also walk with them through the difficulty when they know nothing more than their surroundings. To protect them from slipping into the cycle of the curse. I have seen these things first hand and held them in my hands... and faith without deeds is dead. I want to be a part of the difference.
Justice needs to be established. We live in a nation that is crying out for hope. Its about loving God. Its about being a light in the dark places. Its about being the church. Its about being the hands and feet of Jesus. We are called to a mission to change the world. God is God of the universe. He is what we aren't. He is our freedom. Jesus didn't die to give us religion. Jesus died to give us LOVE.
So don't deny it. We are in this together.
And if the chance arises go see this film..... http://www.i-heart.org/
Exodus 15:13 "With your unfailing love you will lead this people whom you have ransomed. You will guide them in your strength to the place where your holiness dwells."
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