Friday, August 29, 2008

Heart of the matter...

Lord examine our hearts and diagnose what we cannot see for ourselves...

Ezekial 36:25-27
"I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all of your idols. I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take your heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh . I will put my Spirit within you."

an ongoing process of daily be open, honest, and transparent

Psalm 129:23
"Search me O God and know my heart."

Come as the fire and purge our hearts with sacrificial flame; Let our whole soul an offering be to our Redeemer's name. - Andrew Reed

Monday, August 18, 2008

Just like everyone else...

Teach me your way, O Lord, and I will walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name. I will praise you, O Lord my God, with all my heart; I will glorify your name forever. For great is your love toward me; you have delivered me from the depths of the grave.--Psalm 86:11-13

One step at a time lately....

Been rather difficult considering my face feels like its been pulled in a million different directions, and in one direction its not so easy and very hard to explain to those around me. But I don't have to.

I have seen so many beautiful things in people lately and merely because when you let those distractions around you go, search for the heart in those you embrace and you see so much more. Jesus accepted all. He loved all. He spoke to all. He embraced all. Everyone. Why can't we be like that and create an irresistible environment of such. In essence, we are just like they are.

God is beautiful and we were beautifully made.

Lets be real and authentic...

Love It. Love Him. Love All...